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Information :
Rag Doll Kung Fu is a fighting computer game, created predominantly by artist Mark Healey, while working for Lionhead Studios, along with other Lionhead employees, such as David Smith and Alex Evans. Rag Doll Kung Fu is available from Valve's Steam content delivery platform. A new version, called Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic was made available for download on the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 on 9 April 2009.[
The game features string puppets that allow for complete control over their hands, arms, and the like. The game is written in C++ and Direct3D though it is only played in two (and a half) dimensions and exclusively with the mouse. RDKF uses multiple mice to implement multiplayer on a single machine, but this feature is limited to Windows XP due to the use of this Raw input code to implement this idea. An online multiplayer feature has been added to the game as well.
System Requirements:
Processor: Pentium3 800 MHz (or compatible)
RAM: 256 MB Ram
Video Card: GeForce 2 (or compatible)
Operating System: Windows 98
Game Trailer :
Rag Doll Kung Fu (RIP)
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